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Regional dissemination workshops and final conference
(Date: 05-08-2013)
Closer to the end of the project, a series of three regional dissemination workshops took place. One took place at Oxford (18 September 2013), one in Prague (2 October 2013) and one at the European Parliament (November/December 2013). Moreover, on 22 October 2013 the final conference was scheduled in Brussels in order to present and discuss key outcomes and recommendations of this project. Further details on agenda are applicable at the Events section.

Inception report available: A summary of past and an outlook to forthcoming activities
(Date: 14-12-2012)
This report concludes the inception phase of the beyond2020 project, summarising the work done up to the mid-term of the project and offering a brief outlook on forthcoming working steps. Hardcopies of this report can be ordered via email: resch@eeg.tuwien.ac.at. The electronic version is available at the Downloads section.

Proceedings of past events: Mid-term conference and topical workshops
(Date: 22-11-2012)
The first large-scale event – the mid-term conference – took place on 10 October 2012 in Brussels. Major results achieved up to then were presented at this event and discussed with a broad set of stakeholders, providing useful input to subsequent work. Moreover, this conference was accompanied by two topical workshops in order to deepen the discussion in hot topics. Please note that brief summaries of these events and presentations are applicable at the Events section.

New reports focussing on juridical aspects, interactions with electricity markets and policy aspects online.
(Date: 29-10-2012)
A broad set of reports have been finalised throughout the last weeks. For the interested reader we are happy to provide further insights on potential areas of conflict of a harmonisation of RES support with EU law and on interactions between RES-E support and electricity markets. An attempt to contextualise the policy debate on harmonisation is also available. For details please visit the Downloads section.

Forthcoming events: Mid-term conference and topical workshops
(Date: 01-09-2012)
The first large-scale event – the mid-term conference – was scheduled for 10 October 2012 in Brussels. Major results achieved up to then have been presented at this event and discussed with a broad set of stakeholders, providing useful input also to subsequent work. Moreover, this conference has been accompanied by two topical workshops in order to deepen the discussion in hot topics. For details please visit the Events section.

Report on "assessment criteria"
Now available
(Date: 21-05-2012)
The second outcome of beyond2020 is available in the Downloads section. This report focuses on the definition of evaluation criteria for the subsequent impact assessment of feasible policy approaches for a harmonisation of RES(-E) support in Europe from a theoretical viewpoint, discussing and contrasting economic theory and practical applicability.

Report on "policy approaches"
Now available
(Date: 30-04-2012)
The first outcome of beyond2020 focuses on the elaboration of feasible pathways for a possible harmonisation of RES(-E) support in Europe beyond 2020. This report is now available in the Downloads section.

Project kick-off
in July 2011
(Date: 20-07-2011)
On 1st of July 2011 the project beyond2020 has officially started. A kick-off meeting took place on 4th and 5th of July in Brussels, with partners and representatives of the EACI and the European Commission, DG ENER.

beyond2020 at a glance
(Date: 20-07-2011)
A summary of the project, including an overview on approach, planned activities and proposed outcomes, is applicable at the download sections. For a direct link please click here.


general contact for more infomation: resch@eeg.tuwien.ac.at
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